If, like many of us, you regularly look for simple methods to lose weight without too much effort, you have certainly already heard of fasting.
It is in fact one of the best known methods of intermittent fasting due to its ease of implementation.
You may have already read everything and its opposite on this subject, which is why we offer you a simple summary so that fasting no longer has any secrets for you!
Present participle of the verb "fast" in English, the word "fasting" refers to not consuming any food for a defined period of time.
More broadly, it is therefore associated with the principle of the diet itself but above all, with a planned absence of eating during certain hours of the day.
It is first of all essential to emphasize that fasting, like any other modification of diet aimed at losing weight, is not suitable for children, adolescents, pregnant women or any other person with fragile health. If in doubt, it is always strongly recommended to consult your doctor.
Furthermore, if you are in the habit of eating a lot, at any time of the day, without worrying too much about the quality of your food, it is important to be aware of the difficulty that establishing a fasting.
Difficult does not of course mean impossible, however the ideal will be to implement the fast gradually.
Once you have made your decision, start to slowly shift your meal times, or even delay them altogether if you were used to eating throughout the day.
Gradually, get your body and brain used to eating lighter meals, such as breakfast, before considering completely eliminating this meal during the fast.
If you weren't used to drinking a lot of water until now, start getting used to it: your hydration will indeed be essential throughout the fasting period.
As you will have understood, the principle of fasting is simple and will not require any financial investment on your part, to the extent that it consists of food deprivation.
The principle of this absence of food is to respect a very precise rhythm and to apply it on a daily basis.
Depending on your pace of life, but also your usual activity level, you can choose to apply fasting over different time slots. The main thing is to alternate a food intake period of 8 hours with a fasting period of 16 hours during the same day.
In order to easily integrate fasting into your daily life without it being too painful, it is frequently chosen to have a light dinner before 8 p.m., then to only eat again the next day at noon.
However, if you work shifts or simply prefer not to eat during the day, you can choose to have breakfast before 6 a.m., then only have dinner after 10 p.m. for example.
This type of organization is less frequently chosen because the risk is to feel hungry more easily during the day and to let yourself be tempted... however we are not all equal and if your will is iron, you will certainly succeed!
You really want it to work, you are ready for anything and yet, you are very (too) often tempted by a small deviation?
First of all, rest assured: this is perfectly normal!
Your body needs time to get used to and adapt to your new eating schedule. Little by little, your brain will only send hunger signals at the times you choose to eat.
You will certainly notice a reduction in your appetite as well, your stomach will adapt and its size will change.
But while waiting for all this to be done, in the event of a major moment of loneliness, you can consume drinks without counting to give you the feeling of satiety that you are lacking.
After dinner, did you like to relax on the couch and snack on a candy bar? Why not replace this with a sweet infusion flavored with cocoa aromas for example?
A diuretic, this infusion will also help you stimulate your urinary function, while eliminating unnecessary waste.
In the morning, did you love your strawberry-flavored cereal bar to snack on the go before leaving? Replace it with a delicious iced herbal tea , without added sugars and preferably organic for a 100% healthy sweet break.
In short, indulge in the taste, but in liquid form. This way, your stomach does not assimilate any chewing action and your brain does not flinch: it continues to give your body the order to burn fat to allow your entire body to function properly.
Have you started and everything is going well? Congratulations !
Be careful, however, not to fall into some traps that would harm the results obtained thanks to fasting.
Remember to always eat as healthily as possible, in a balanced and regular manner. Fasting for 16 hours is a test for your body, be sure to listen to it and not push its limits.
There is therefore no need to limit your caloric intake during your daily meals, your body needs this intake, which must be as balanced as possible.
Conversely, don't think you can eat more during your daily meals, just because you eat less often! This is one of the most common traps of fasting: compensating for each meal eaten for meals not eaten.
So remember to always eat sensibly, according to your activity level and your habits, by preparing menus that are as balanced as possible.
As you may know, the benefits of fasting are numerous. We have talked here about its valuable help in the event of weight loss, but it also allows you to cleanse your body in the broad sense through its many benefits.
This means that you alone choose the length of your fasting period.
If you were only looking for a weight loss effect and your goal is achieved, you can choose to stop fasting to return to a more traditional eating rhythm. Be careful, however, to gradually reintroduce small meals and maintain the good eating habits you adopted during fasting.
In this case, a fasting period lasting 2 to 3 months is optimal.
If you were looking for a broader effect, applied to your entire body, your body has adapted and you are in great shape, you are free to continue intermittent fasting for as long as you wish!
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