Foam density and thickness
When you go looking for a new massage table for your institute, or a new examination bed for your practice, you may have to read a lot of information relating to the density of foam to choose, or even its thickness.
As some of this information is sometimes contradictory, we provide a quick overview below of the main elements to remember.
This density is measured in kgs/m3 and is representative of the level of firmness of the foam used on the treatment table.
The density of foam used on a standard treatment table is 30 kgs/m3 on average, which represents a happy medium between comfort and firmness.
On a more specific treatment table , dedicated to physiotherapy or osteopathy for example, the foam density will be higher, often between 40 and 60 kgs/m3. This means that the mattress of the treatment table will have a much firmer feel, even hard at first touch, in order to resist the pressure exerted by the practitioner without the body of the person being massaged sinking into the mattress.
Foam density and thickness are two completely different parameters, which have no direct impact on each other. The density of the foam reflects the comfort felt by the person lying on the mattress, the thickness mainly represents the external visual appearance.
It is in fact common to think that the greater the thickness of a table's mattress, the more comfortable it will be.
However, this is false because, if for example a mattress with a thickness of 15 cm is only made up of low quality and low density foam, it will sag very quickly, at the risk of quickly feeling the support in place. wood placed under the mattress and completely lose comfort.
If, on the other hand, a mattress with a thickness of 4 cm is made up of dense foam (around 30 kgs/m3 for example) and of good quality, not only will it not sag at all over time. years, but above all it will guarantee the permanent comfort of people lying on the table, even during long-term treatment.
When choosing your new treatment table, remember to check the density of the foam used to design your mattress before even checking its thickness, because this is the most important comfort parameter.
Then, depending on the use you will make of this table and whether it is a model intended to be moved or to remain in place, you can opt for the most suitable mattress thickness: very thick for a beautiful rendering in an institute, or much thinner for a compact folding table to move regularly.